I've been feeling so down lately and I just want to let it all go here. Since almost all of my posts here are from those not so good days.
It was so hard letting you go
It took me forever
And I tried fooling myself
That I was successful In doing so
But deep inside I know I wasn't
But I lived with it
Taking each day as it comes
Moving you into my periphery
Into the sidelines but you're still there
And when I felt that I'm finally making peace
With our past, I was happy
It was a bittersweet victory
But a victory nonetheless
Then you came back in the picture
Offering a second chance that I really didn't need
And yet I took it wholeheartedly
With what's left of it, that is,
Good thing I took notes
During the first time I was moving on
I believe that I have to do it again
You are hurting me with your distance
And indifference
Please do not comeback.
I don't want to go through it all over again.