Tempus Fugit

Friday, June 11, 2010

Forgive But Never Forget

How many times have you forgiven someone who have wronged you in a way or two (even more) for as many times as you can remember? Once? Twice? Every time? This question should never ever be a rhetoric since this ingrains in us a very disturbing subculture of the Filipinos who live their days in total abandon and oblivion of a lot instances and people who said Sorrys and I'll make it up to yous as if it's the word not the act done which is important in life full of errs, faults, wrongs and sometimes rights. Now, do you easily forgive? What comes after?

This post is not meant to show how I'm the perfect example of what I'm talking about. I know I"m also a culprit of rampant Please forgive me Syndrome. I know for  a fact that I have said a lot of Sorrys without really meaning them (Sorry. See? It has become a habit.) I wonder if people giving forgiveness made it a hobby too? Are they even aware of it? I'm guilty. And I'm doing my best to rid myself of this social cancer that we always thought insignificant and benign. That for me is the first step-Awareness. It is knowing you and accepting there's something wrong in and about you. Second would be the realization that you have to do something about it. (You/We have to be cured!)

Do you know people who are sick of this disease I"m talking about? (Please enumerate them. Notice how many they are. If they're few, I congratulate you! You've lived a sheltered life. In a convent maybe?) Are you in the same list? (Good! You've just been aware!)

To give you a more nationalistic view of this disease, let's examine all that has happened within the last few years of reign of our Her Excellency Madam President. She herself said Sorry for that Garci scandal debacle. Have people forgiven her? Or do you still remember what I'm talking about? (See! People always forget. Forget. Forget.) Why did she said Sorry in the first place? Well, I only say sorry if I have done something wrong. Has she? (Oh Yes!!!)

Another issue on hand is the pardon she gave former President Estrada. What the hell was she thinking? The simple and blunt message for that act is camaraderie and of believing people will change  (read: you can steal from the National Treasury or engage in super illegal but very profitable undertakings like jueteng; you'll be put in prison, but not for long, since the incumbent President needs higher performance ratings) Bottom line, you can get away with plunder and corruption (if you're powerful and popular enough) and what message does that convey to the youth? This: We are doomed!

You don't have to look far to see examples of this disease. There's you friend who still stays with his/her partner after countless  time of being caught cheating. They are all around us. It's me and you! And to tell you the truth that's very disturbing.

So the next time you forgive someone keep in mind that there shouldn't be a next time. Sorry has been overused to feed that disease. Do you're part to heal a nation in dire need of change.  Always remember that saying the word sorry and giving your forgiveness is sacred because it deals with life. Maybe mine or your own.

The Hell with the one who first spoke Forgive and Forget.

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