Tempus Fugit

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Humongous-ly Stresses Out

On my way to work, students walk by like ants-oblivious to everything but their destination, unmindful of those they pass. The sun is up and its rays are giving hope to every one after last night's rainfall-every one except the solitary person who hasn't slept for two nights, with slumped shoulders and a tired face, waiting for the ominous bus, with tons of people, cutting through traffic like Charon delivering dead souls in the Underworld.

I have now forgotten how does it feel to walk through the start of the day, on your way to school, after multiple bus and jeepney rides then see and not care about other people walking by- see and not care about a solitary person who hasn't slept for two nights, with slumped shoulders and a tired face-  one of the many faces there is. I'm one of that faces, I haven't slept for two nights, my shoulders are slumped, my face is very very tired. I am TIRED. Do the students I pass by in their too-busy-to-care lives, take a moment to pause, and wonder if I'm alright? I would not know, because I have forgotten, and like ants, their oblivious to everything but their destination, unmindful of those they pass. I was once one of them. And it now seems a very long time ago
*Picture from http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OR8dKL3XDN8/SxL_BWehnCI/AAAAAAAAEz8/4V_H8hGNS7o/s320/man+crying.jpg


  1. MIGGY! nothing a cup of jo & a good movie wont cure! you know you can do it! :D seeyah soon!
