Tempus Fugit

Monday, March 14, 2011


Go ask!


You ask for light
Not because you are
In the dark;
Nor because you are
Feeling lost;
You ask for it
Because you want
To get the name
And you want 
To be asked
What's your's;
I got both,
Only because
I asked for light,


*Picture from flickr


Sometimes someone you don't know makes your night.


Orange shirts are tacky
That's why I seldom wear them
But when I saw you
I never saw your shirt
Or the color it was in
I only saw your face
And for the rest of the night
I felt like a teenager again
I wanted to stop looking
But it is so hard
I envy the bottle of beer
You were holding
I wished it was my hand
Clasped between your fingers
That night I felt that
Somehow, somewhere
A person will look at me
The way I was looking at
The owner of that orange shirt.


*Picture from diytrade

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Ifs makes us appreciate what we currently have and have not. Agree or disagree?

If by chance you decide
To forget me
Then, by all means
Please do
Because when that 
Time happens
I wouldn't even know
Who you were
Or what we had,
It would surprise me
To know that you 
Have forgotten me
When I don't even know
Who you are.
On the other hand,
If that won't happen
Then I'll do everything
For you to remember me.


*Picture from 3bp.blogspot

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Síndrome de la letra de amor

Las letras de amor son duras de dejar para ir. Especialmente cuando no estaba para usted sino usted deseo era.

Si solamente su letra para él puede decirle
cuántas veces la he leído, 
cuantas veces le sorprendería
Me he lastimado haciendo tan.
La hago porque quiero cerrarme los ojos
y oiga su voz en esas líneas.
La hago porque me imagino que ésos
Amo yous estoy realmente para mí.


*Picture de los primeros 47

Love Letter Syndrome

Love letters are hard to let go. Especially when it wasn't for you but you wish it was.

If only your letter for him can tell you
how many times I've read it, 
you'd be surprised by how often
I've hurt myself by doing so.
I do it becasue I want to close my eyes
and hear your voice in those lines.
I do it because I imagine that those
I love yous are really for me.


*Picture from thefirst47