Tempus Fugit

Friday, November 26, 2010

Love Gourmet

You think I can't read?
We thawed.
Not like the glaciers floating 
In the midst of the Atlantic
But the kind of thawing
Required for a piece of meat:
Lacking artistry
And full of crass.
It satiates not heart's thirst
But the flesh's hunger.
I have never realized
That a haloed person 
Can be so cruel,
When I did nothing but
Give more air under
Your wings.
You fried me
With all the love I
Have given you,
So much so that it
Became a poison to all
The wounds I started to lick.
We could have made 
Scrumptious offerings to one another.
Sadly you chose everything
To be blandly half baked.

*Picture from static.guim.co.uk

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Love Life of a Leaf


Whenever I see a dead leaf
Gracefully fall down towards
The rich body of the land
I remember the lithe physique
Of a ballerina in  her pink tutu
Jumping up in the air
And quietly  goes down like a Swan,
Poised, grand, & regal,
As if the dead leaf completely
Trusts the ground that will catch her.
The grass is also there
To cushion her fall.
I wonder if it's bliss the leaf feels,
Suspended in air as it glides down
To her destination, feeling safe.
What does she feel when she becomes
One with Earth again?
I closed my envious eyes and
I think about how different it was
Falling for you.

*Picture from davintosh

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Traces of Life

To all life who was saved and lost.

Hurriedly I undressed myself
Leaving only my brand new boxers
The one I got today for my special day.
I then dove straight into the murky waters
Hoping that I'll be able catch him fast
Before river currents overpower him to death.
I caught an arm and then his face bobbed up,
I heard gulps for air and frantic flaps in the water
Though I'm not sure if their mine or his.
I finally let him go on his own and
I then saw him swim towards the edge.
 Before I dared follow him
I felts cramps along my legs,
Both my legs felt electrified
My screams for help got muffled 
With water going in my mouth.
I sinked slowly, painfully slow.
The last thing I saw was him running away
Probably calling for help.
I wasn't even able to 
Close my eyes before I died.
The only traces I was alive
A few minutes ago was the 
Shirt and shorts on the river bank
I left on the grass,
Still warm and very new,
Birthday presents I requested.


*Picture from nationalgallery.org.uk