Tempus Fugit

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I cannot stand 
seeing you this way
In pain and hurting
I'll do everything
to take it away
but I don't know how
So right now
I ask God to please
give me your pain 
Let me suffer in your behalf
Let me cry your tears

*Image from journalofsacredwork

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I still smell you. Hmmm.

I woke up with your 
scent on (our) my pillows.
I knew we fell asleep together
because it is only with you that
I get to sleep this late and this safe.
Your arms around me promises me
a good night since that is all that I can ask.
You see, I'm afraid to ask for more. 
I don't want you to say no.
I will never be content with only this.
So I better muster my courage and ask,
Even if it means that this will be 
the last time I can smell you 
when I wake up.

*Picture from 1.bp.blogspot.com

Saturday, October 22, 2011



I held the hand that is
 planning to let you go. 
It was dry and rough
 unlike the other that still
 remembers your love of long ago.
 I felt its frustration about you,
 of the way you always made
 sure that tomorrow will not
 come for the both of you.
 I heard its silent cry of
 goodbye and I grew sad.
 On the other hand,
 it was still hanging on,
 reminiscing celebrations
 and victories.
 The happy times linger
 like it doesn't want to live.
 I heard all the secret whispers
 at night and all promises made.
 Both hands wept.
 A catharsis of the highest order. 
A pill so that no one goes insane.
 I looked at the mirror and
 saw rivers of tears.
 I looked down and 
saw my hands clasped together,
 the other looking out
 for the other.
 A symmetry of giving up
 and holding on.
 The riddle of love.


*Picture from 4.bp.blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I don't care!

This is stupid! but I really don't. Do you?

It's burning me all over again
Like it once did before;
And the days after that,
Searing my flesh with
Electric goosebumps
Fit to kill a man
Fit to kill me,
But I don't care;
I don't think;
I love.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

To Better Days

Everything will come to pass.


Raindrops caress my skin 
the way you once did;
 cold and numbing,
 back then i thought
 your touch in time
 would make me warm;
 but  it never did,
 you talk about things
 you never truly understood
and blamed it on me 
when you got it all figured out;
I took a deep breath;
Psyched myself up that
there is nothing wrong
About being drenched .

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Define BUSY?!

I was always telling myself that I'd find time to post my poems here but to my dismay I never did. I got so caught up with my new job (technically not so) and all the activities that came along with it. I never taught that teaching in a university would use up all of my time. Anyways, I promise to update my blog as soon as I get my internet connection fixed (cross fingers). :)

To make up for my long absence here are a few lines that I have just made up:

I was looking for you
But you weren't there
When you told me you'd be

I was trying to hold your hand
But it was another's that held mine
Where are you?

Please come back to me
I am not myself without you
I'm you the same way you are I.


Sorry this is bad. LOL :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Sandwiched with maybes and ifs.


I'm feeling better,
The kind of better that keeps
Me on my toes;
The kind of happy that
Makes me smile, a bit;
It is the emotion that is between
Euphoria and Anxiety
In the midst of laughter and tears;
It is the victory that never
Lets me shot for joy
Because I never know
If am really sure;
It is the kind of love
That never lets me sleep at night
Although I'm dead tired and weary;
It is the moment when
I wake up prematurely
When I just dreamed about my crush;
It is that time in my life
When I chose the kiss
Even when I know that 
It wasn't going to last.


Sunday, August 21, 2011



I've been feeling so down lately and I just want to let it all go here. Since almost all of my posts here are from those not so good days.


It was so hard letting you go
It took me forever
And I tried fooling myself
That I was successful In doing so
But deep inside I know I wasn't
But I lived with it
Taking each day as it comes
Moving you into my periphery
Into the sidelines but you're still there
And when I felt that I'm finally making peace
With our past, I was happy
It was a bittersweet victory
But a victory nonetheless
Then you came back in the picture
Offering a second chance that I really didn't need
And yet I took it wholeheartedly
With what's left of it, that is,
Good thing I took notes
During the first time I was moving on
I believe that I have to do it again
You are hurting me with your distance
And indifference 
Please do not comeback.
I don't want to go through it all over again.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


All the good stuff?! Right.

I woke up
With the sound of raindrops
And I immediately
Thought of you
And of that day
When you shook me
Off my slumber 
And told me that raindrops
Should be our models in loving.
With a sleepy confusion
I asked you why
And you answered with
That lopsided smile 
And a hint of mischief in your eyes,
"They're not afraid to fall,
 In fact that's not all they do;
 They also give and return."; 
"Give and return what?" I mumbled, 
"Love, blessings, happiness?
All the good stuff." 
I looked at your pillow,
At your side of the bed,
And wished it was summer.


*Picture from

Wednesday, July 20, 2011



When nights become
Unbearable and the
Heaviness of the moonlit 
Sky weighs down on me
 I start willing my
Mind not to think 
Of anything
To make my body
Numb, even lifeless 
To a degree
I try very hard 
Not to breathe
Or move because
I fear that any sudden
Movement no matter
How small
Will connect me to 
My thoughts;
That I don't want 
To think about, 
To my dreams;
That is now haunting me, 
To my heartache;
Who brought upon me
Nights like this,
And to you,
Who tortures me 
Because you are not here. 


*Picture from 4.bp.blogspot.com

Monday, July 18, 2011


I tried holding my hand once
Not because I felt cold
Or it has gotten dirty
I did it because 
I was trying to get back
To that time in the past
When all I ever did was
Love you the best way
I could
It was a phase when
I woke up with butterfly kisses
Moments when I breathe
What you exhaled
It was during those nights
That I loved you the most
I felt connected
Not only to you
But to us and to a future
And yet no matter how long
I held my own hand
I did not feel you there.


*Picture from besilentbestill.wordpress.com

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wiped Out

After 5 months, I saw you. But you didn't see me.


I saw you today
Wiping the windows
Looking so strange
I saw you today 
Huge distance between us
When I'm only 
A few meters away.


Sunday, May 8, 2011


Stop to think. Think to stop. 


There are still times
When my mind goes empty;
Free of thoughts and dreams,
Of fears and failures,
A state of complete blankness
Utter absence of all
And like the first rays
Of the sun at dawn
Thoughts of you
Shine on me
Haunting my mind
Like a plague,
An infestation of sorts,
A slow painful death,
With a cure but not a hope.

*picture from farm3.static.flickr.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Will you answer me?

If only I was there
And he wasn't
Would you have chosen me?

If only I kept you
For myself
Would I be enough?

If only you weren't there
When I cried
Would you even notice me?

If only I had the courage
To tell you how I feel
Would everything be alright?


*Picture from spicecomments


Hmmmm.....I still smell you.


Inhale, Inhale
That's the first
Thing I do
When you pass by
Making sure my 
Lungs breathe in
The only part of
You that I can have;
You're scent clung
To me the way dreams
Resurface the first
Time I open my eyes,
But like the natural
Process of the world,
I'd have to let you go,
And so I exhale,
Saving some of 
Your smell inside me,
The only part of you
That I can have.


*Picture from mediabistro

Monday, March 14, 2011


Go ask!


You ask for light
Not because you are
In the dark;
Nor because you are
Feeling lost;
You ask for it
Because you want
To get the name
And you want 
To be asked
What's your's;
I got both,
Only because
I asked for light,


*Picture from flickr


Sometimes someone you don't know makes your night.


Orange shirts are tacky
That's why I seldom wear them
But when I saw you
I never saw your shirt
Or the color it was in
I only saw your face
And for the rest of the night
I felt like a teenager again
I wanted to stop looking
But it is so hard
I envy the bottle of beer
You were holding
I wished it was my hand
Clasped between your fingers
That night I felt that
Somehow, somewhere
A person will look at me
The way I was looking at
The owner of that orange shirt.


*Picture from diytrade

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Ifs makes us appreciate what we currently have and have not. Agree or disagree?

If by chance you decide
To forget me
Then, by all means
Please do
Because when that 
Time happens
I wouldn't even know
Who you were
Or what we had,
It would surprise me
To know that you 
Have forgotten me
When I don't even know
Who you are.
On the other hand,
If that won't happen
Then I'll do everything
For you to remember me.


*Picture from 3bp.blogspot

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Síndrome de la letra de amor

Las letras de amor son duras de dejar para ir. Especialmente cuando no estaba para usted sino usted deseo era.

Si solamente su letra para él puede decirle
cuántas veces la he leído, 
cuantas veces le sorprendería
Me he lastimado haciendo tan.
La hago porque quiero cerrarme los ojos
y oiga su voz en esas líneas.
La hago porque me imagino que ésos
Amo yous estoy realmente para mí.


*Picture de los primeros 47

Love Letter Syndrome

Love letters are hard to let go. Especially when it wasn't for you but you wish it was.

If only your letter for him can tell you
how many times I've read it, 
you'd be surprised by how often
I've hurt myself by doing so.
I do it becasue I want to close my eyes
and hear your voice in those lines.
I do it because I imagine that those
I love yous are really for me.


*Picture from thefirst47

Monday, February 14, 2011

Intoxicated with You


I tasted something awful
But I know it is familiar,
Reminiscent to broken dreams
And bitter tears,
Synonymous with 
Crazy celebrations
And first borns;
I figured out that 
I'm having a hang over
Because of too much alcohol,
Too little of you
I woke up with vodka 
In my stomach;
I woke up with you
In my heart.


*Picture from benjaminmiguel


I want to kiss you
But you are so far away,
What do you suggest that
I do then?
Should I stop thinking 
About you?
And forget you?
I cannot do that!
I guess I'll just
Continue on dreaming
About that kiss
Until that day 
I can finally
Make it real, 
Until then I'd have 
To content myself
With visions of you
Laughing with me,
Loving me,
Hating me,
Crying with me,
Snoring with me,
And being with me,
I'm so looking
Forward to that day,
Are you?


*Picture from badatsports

My Valentine


6,679 miles 
Of salt water, 
Dessert and hills,
Rain forests,
And rice terraces;
10,748 kilometers
Of raging rivers,
Plateaus and cliffs,
Murky swamps,
And cobbled roads;
13 hours and 21 minutes,
Of turbulent flying,
Of navigating 
Treacherous shores,
Of coursing through
New found terrain
And lonely homes;
That's how far
You are to me,
But my every heart beat
Does not agree.


*Picture fromlamberdebieflowers

Sunday, February 13, 2011



I saw you yesterday
And I feel like my life
Is totally about to change,
Though I'm not yet sure
If it's for the better,
But I like changes
Change is good
And everytime 
I look into your eyes
I see a probable future
Of holding hands
And whispers at night;
Of breakfasts in bed
And waking up late on Saturdays.
I saw you yesterday
And thank you for seeing me too.

*Picture from free-extras

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Out of Reach

This is one of the most painful ironies ever. What do you think?


We sat beside one another
Yet we are so far away
The only thing that is near
Is my memory of being held
During those long forgotten nights
When all I thought about
Was the warmth of your touch
Not my pending paperworks
Not my overdue bills
I only thought of you
And I know that you were 
Thinking the same
But now, sitting here with you
I don't know if you are
Thinking about it too
You are looking 
Over the horizon
When you could have been
Looking at me
I wanted to touch you
To make sure that 
You are really there
But I stopped myself
I don't think I want to find out.


*Image from digitaledge

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hide and Seek

When do you stop looking and start waiting to be discovered?

I'm tired of looking
For that special someone.
The fabled creature
Of everyone's dreams.
The ever elusive 
Partner, or so it seems.

I have looked 
All around to no avail.
To my utter disbelief
and grave dissapointment
I have seen a lot
I have seen no one.

Comfort me then
Beloved self
For who else will 
Dry my forlorn tears
But the very hand it 
Lands on?

I'm going to wait
For that faceless being
To find me
When I'm not 
Even hiding
From anyone.


 *Picture from my22.files.wordpress

Monday, January 10, 2011

Nth Time

When was the last time you let go of someone?

I decided to let
You go - again.
And you know it
Is not an easy thing
To do especially when
I gave it up for you.
But I want you
To know that
I have no regrets.
I loved you and
You loved me too.
I felt it there sometime
When we were just new.
I tried letting you go
A lot of times before
But every time I wake up
It's you who I think about.

Please let me let you go.

I'll continue loving 
You though.

It would be hard not to.
But please if ever you
Think you will still love me
Love me the way that 
I will love you.
I will love you every time
I do the things
We did.
Letting you go will not 
Stop me from loving you.

Please let me let you go.

*Picture from mamajacque.blog.